Reiki tsm A new dimension of practice

The tsm Story

The Reiki tsm story actually began with my First Degree class. Initiation was a profound and transformative experience bringing instant and lasting changes to my way of being and world view. The experience was repeated in Second degree and Masters initiation. I had no words to adequately express this, nor any life experience to measure it against.

The Usui memorial stone and the inscription on it became common knowledge in the late 90's. Of all the text, it was the precepts and the wording 'the secret method' that became etched in my mind, together with a very real sense of some hidden meaning behind the words.

This focus solidified with the insight that the precepts served a dual purpose, both as principles for living one's life, and at the same time, practical instructions for the 'being in the now' experience.

The origins of the practice being linked to a spiritual awakening, a linkage to the 'now' moment experience in the precepts, and my own initiatory experience became pointers to the intent of the system being much more than that of the mainstream therapy and modality focus.
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Usui memorial stone

The Reiki method is not only for curing illness. Its true purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities humans are endowed with since birth.
Mikao Usui
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Reiki space in the markets.

A foundation in daily personal practice and a many year long public treatment practice evolved into awareness of treatment practice as a practice of presence (becoming present), and awareness that development of this state of being was in fact a little-recognised function of the hands-on practice. Awareness of moving into presence not associated with 'hands-on' mode was a further developmental process that arose over time.

This mode of becoming and being present, and subsequent episodic profound experiences of a spiritual nature held the sense of being purposeful, an indicator of a progression in awareness . The experiences came. They went.

New life was breathed into my 'in the now' interpretation of the practice when the symbol practice abruptly began to present consistent and repeated phenomena that required reassessment of what I thought I knew and had been taught about this aspect of the practice. I was being schooled in a non physical reality behind the physical aspects of the practice.
Reiki is a force ...beyond the comprehension of man. Yet, every single living being is receiving its blessings daily, awake or asleep.
Hawayo Takata
The Reiki story in brief is that Mikao Usui went in search of the nature of healing. That search led inevitably into the nature of mind. The language of the mind is a language of symbols which have multiple levels of meaning, and are only truly known when their nature is revealed to a mind able to release identifications formed out of academic learning processes and belief systems, to be present to ‘what is”.

The symbol practice has long been practised and expressed in terms of the symbols as 'healing tools' and perhaps even as 'training wheels' that can be discarded. These concepts have served a purpose, and at the same time limited discovery of the greater dimension of experience of what the practice of the symbols holds.

Reiki tsm translates the symbols practice into the keys to, and the experience of, the wisdom teachings of the system that they have always been, with their application squarely in the realm of what Phyllis Furumoto termed the aspect of Mystic Order.

The symbol practice, in this manner, is moved to a place beyond the concepts of 'healing tools', and into the realms of the 'secret and sacred' as was expressed by Hawayo Takata.

The relationship with the symbols becomes not with the symbol itself, but with the nature of that which the symbol represents.
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Image to symbols

The relationship with the symbols becomes not with the symbol itself, but with the nature of that which the symbol represents.
Mark Ruge
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Modern Reiki Script

Experiencing the nature of the symbol practice from this different perspective was a revelation, and a mystery as to how this was not a spoken part of the teaching and practice.

With those thoughts in mind, I focused on my daily practice as this new experience developed and was integrated, and addressed how this awareness and experience could best be transmitted to another person. Resolving the issue of teaching the process was the turning point in being able to speak of what I call the Reiki tsm experience.

Several years have elapsed in this process, feeling my way through the changed perceptions, and the questions and possibilities raised by this experience. The next steps of the process are ongoing. The story has only just begun.
Change Date - 23/11/2023

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